
The IMAGEN study is a large‐scale, longitudinal, imaging genetic study that combines brain imaging, genetics, and psychiatry to increase our understanding of adolescent brain development and behaviour – namely, sensitivity to rewards, impulsivity, and emotional processing. Research teams from London, Nottingham, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Mannheim and Dresden have been following 2,000 young people and their parents from the age of 14, collecting data from brain imaging, cognitive and behavioural assessments, questionnaires and blood sampling.

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London

Geographic coverage - Nations
Ireland, France, Germany

Geographic coverage - Regions
London; Nottingham

Start date

Catalogue record last updated


Sample type
Cohort study

Sample details
Participants were recruited from high schools at age 14. To obtain a diverse sample in terms of socio-economic status, emotional and cognitive development, private, state-funded and special units were targeted equally. To maximize ethnic (Caucasian) homogeneity, at each study centre recruitment focused on geographical areas with minimal ethnic diversity. Full inclusion and exclusion criteria are detailed in Schumann and colleagues (2010).

Sample size at recruitment

Sample size at most recent sweep
Approximately 1,200 (2015 - Second Follow-Up)


Age at recruitment
14 years

Cohort year of birth


Data access
Contact study team

Genetic data collected

Linkage to administrative data

Additional information

Related themes
Covid-19 data collection, Biomarkers, Cognitive measures, Diet and nutrition, Digital technology and social media, Language and literacy, Loneliness and social isolation, Puberty, Sleep problems, Socioeconomic status and deprivation, Victimisation and life events

The IMAGEN Study is a large‐scale longitudinal study that has been following 2,000 young people and their parents from the age of 14. The study combines brain imaging, genetics and psychiatry to look at adolescent brain development and behaviour.

Key Papers

The IMAGEN study: Reinforcement-related behaviour in normal brain function and psychopathology.

European Commission
European Research Council
Medical Research Council
National Institute for Health and Care Research
Swedish Research Council
German Federal Ministry of Education & Research
National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Mental health measures timeline

Sweep name:

Cohort member age:

Data collection period:


Physical health measures:

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