
Next Steps is a longitudinal survey collecting information about young people in England aged 13 to 14 in 2004. Previously known as the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England, the study was originally designed to examine key factors affecting educational progress, attainment and transitions following the end of compulsory education and collects data on education, employment, economic circumstances, family life, physical and emotional health and wellbeing, social participation and attitudes.

Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) - Institute of Education (IoE), UCL

Geographic coverage - Nations

Geographic coverage - Regions

Start date

Catalogue record last updated


Sample type
Cohort study

Sample details
Next Steps cohort members were selected to be representative of young people in Year 9 (or equivalent) in England who were born between 1 September 1989 and 31 August 1990. The sample included pupils in both state and independent schools, as well as Pupil Referral Units. Sample boosts took place for some minority ethnic groups when cohort members were aged 16-17 at the fourth wave.

Sample size at recruitment

Sample size at most recent sweep
7,707 (2016 - Age 25)


Age at recruitment
13-14 years

Cohort year of birth


Data access
UK Data Service

Genetic data collected

Linkage to administrative data
Education data
Health data
Income/tax and benefits

HDR UK Innovation Gateway
HDR Gateway

Additional information


Previously known as Longitudinal Survey of Young People in England (LSYPE)

Related themes
Covid-19 data collection, Cognitive measures, Diet and nutrition, Education, Sexuality and gender identity, Housing, Socioeconomic status and deprivation, Loneliness and social isolation, Neighbourhood, Political and social attitudes, Digital technology and social media, Victimisation and life events, Reproductive health, Work and employment, Parenting and family, Sleep problems, Social care - receipt, Social care - provision, Social care - need

Key Papers

Reference paper
LSYPE user guide to the datasets: Wave one to wave seven.

Impactful papers using study data
Childhood psychological distress and youth unemployment: Evidence from two British cohort studies. doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.11.023

Pre-pandemic mental health and disruptions to healthcare, economic and housing outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from 12 UK longitudinal studies. doi.org/10.1192/bjp.2021.132

Common mental disorders prevalence in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analyses. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232007

Mental health during lockdown: evidence from four generations. cls.ucl.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Mental-health-during-lockdown-%E2%80%93-initial-findings-from-COVID-19-survey-1.pdf

Economic and Social Research Council
Department for Education
Mental health measures timeline

Sweep name:

Cohort member age:

Data collection period:


Physical health measures:

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